
Your relationships with consumers, ideally, should be like romances.
You meet. You date. You may fall in love. You may split. You ultimately hope for a lasting commitment. icon-arrow-downpng

As brands, we long for “marriage.”
We are acutely aware that when we’ve landed a good catch, we must do whatever it takes to make it work. icon-arrow-downpng


Your consumer is your partner. Get to know them. Put them first. Do all that you can to serve them. Communicate openly. When you inevitably hit a bump in the road, work to make up. icon-arrow-downpng

This persistence in keeping the spark alive is paramount. An established romance translates into a consumer who is loyal, vocal and generous in their support of your brand. icon-arrow-downpng

Flings are fleeting. The elation, the exquisiteness
of a lifelong love affair is unparalleled.
Don’t be the one-night-stand brand. Become the soulmate.